
I have been pricing tickets and so the time is nigh for me to make my final arrangements and purchase my tickets to make it official, but it looks like I am going to New Zealand pretty certainly. The goal is going to be to tackle the Easter holiday so as to force Jonathan to lose as few work days as possible. At least that's my goal.

My sub-goal this week is to look at books I can buy for a Kindle, so I can determine if it will be a good fit for my trip. Give myself a plenty of books to read in one small, light device.

As you can see, I've added some links to the main menu over to the left pointing to my various off-site data repositories. I've done a reasonable job connecting to the LibraryThing site to get my info for my books on this site. Both Take11 and Glyde are pretty new and thus don't have the robust APIs necessary. I am working with both site owners to help them develop, though, so maybe I can get some similar widgets and applets for that as well. I'm shocked that someone else hasn't written some Flickr plugins for Joomla yet, but I haven't been able to find any. Perhaps this should be my next project. You know, with all that free time I have.

Current Reading

Random Books from My Library

My Fitness pal

MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter



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