I saw RotK Sunday. Good job Peter! What a beautiful film. I was disappointed with a couple of things that were left out. The scene where the Witch King is about to walk through the gates of Minas Tirith, and Gandalf stands in the doorway and gives the Witchking the same speach that Samuel Jackson give John Travolta cleaning up the back of that car in Pulp Fiction("I'm a mushroom cloud laying..."). I also wish that he could somehow show the
fear that was projected by the Nazgul onto the soldiers, and also how much Aragorn charging into the orcs woould cause them fear. Also, the Eowyn vs. the Witchking scene is a powerful scene in the book, but it is shortened, and somehow minimized in the movie. The felling of the Witchking whould have been made much more important, because his will was the predominant driving for for the orcs. His death should have caused some big reaction.
Also, in the watch tower, when Sam entered, the Orcs saw not a shadow, but they saw an Elf Lord in the doorway and they fled in fear before his presence. That was the power of the One Ring that Sam was using. THe movie turned that into a Comic Relief bit with his shadow. Also, I was really hoping to see the struggle between Frodo and Sauron when Frodo put the ring on on Mount Doom. The book describes a monumental struggle of wills as Frodo is trying to use the power of the ring to subjigate Sauron. The ring is supposedly stronger the closer it gets to Mt Doom, so Frodo becomes a powerful being just as strong a Sauron when he puts the ring on. Anyway, it was still a good movie, just not quite as I would have done it.
Well, I've been quite busy for the past several days, finishing shopping, wrapping, and helping Christi with peanut butter balls and such. I'm tired and about ready for Christmas to be over so that I can get on with some more fun stuff. I still haven't got my Text Database up and running yet, so it looks like I won't be done on schedule for my Reviews/Lunch scheduler Database either.
I've been playing Horizons a bit, but not really any since the last Friday. It's a lot more fun than FFXI, but it's still not really that much fun either. Oh me, well, I need to get back to work wrapping and stuff. Merry Christmas to you all if I don't get to make another entry before then.